Sunday, February 19, 2017

Shock treatment

Shock treatment

A little shock treatment is sending me scurring back to ressurect my blog at long last. A ransom trojan crept in under my very good anti-virus software and locked up all my files. Now as a fairly tech savy person most of everything was backed up onto my external hard drive, but in a miserable turn of fate, that happened to be plugged into my laptop at the time of the attack as I was trying to organise the files on it to free up space for a bit more backing up, and many of the files on that were also zipped up into password protected files with no way to get them out again. LUCKILY most of what I deem important still seems to be there and all my more recent photos are backed up on the internet. 

Some stuff has been lost though so I thought using my blog as another fairly safe place to back up my important and precious memories would be a good idea. So here I am, back writing down my thoughts and recording my life events to bore the internet once again.

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