This week my blog count seems to have gone up big time .... and I cant work out why. So if any one knows why I have suddenly jumped from averaging 2/3 visitors a day to a whopping 109 in one day (when I hadnt even updated for a week) please let me know and I will try doing it again LOL.
So on the news front ... mum and dad have 'ordered' their dog!!!!!!!
Its the longest dad has ever been without a pet or a dog in particular, I am amazed they have stuck to it for so long, but after seeing all the dogs at the fair last weekend he was determined to get one of his own again. Obviously not a puppy as they are too old to start training again, and they didnt want anything too big. Plus they couldnt afford the prices of buying from a dog rearer. First they tried the Dog's Trust as it is only a mile away from our house, but they only had big dogs and still wanted £75 for allowing you to rehouse one.Then they spotted a little doggie in the local paper, advertising the Lord Whiskie S!ancturary. Danny is just what my dad is after, a six year D old Dandy dinmont terrier. They have to have their house inspected but if they pass that this morning then they can go collect him next saturday