Note to readers, these photo's have quite a bit of detail so you do really need to click on them and enlarge them to see the full beauty of the water.
Yesterday, because Martin had had to work all Bank Holiday, and because finally our friend Trevor had managed to get some time off work, we all (Trevor, Jan and Martin and I) decided we would go on another of our 'pub walks'. We have been slowly wading our way (or should I say walking and drinking our way) through the book, Circular Pub Walks in Kent. Of course we found this hard enough when the book was new and up to date, as we often lost our way but the walks are becoming more and more like a mystery tour since the book was published in 1995 and many of the landmarks are slowly
disappearing. For instance yesterday's walk included the instruction 'past the white railings' which still exist but are a lovely shade of rust now, or the 'row of small trees to your right' are now 25 foot tall or have been cut down to make way for a small housing estate. Many of the pubs have changed hands and no longer offer the book's suggested menu, or they have shut down altogether, but of course this all adds to the excitement of the outing.
Anyway yesterday's choice of venue was The
Zetland Arms on the beach at
Kingsdown (just outside Deal). For once it was a beautiful sunny day and as we pulled up outside the pub Trevor
couldn't resist looking over the railings at the sea, and
inevitably ending up wet!

Inside the pub was all olde worlde and the food was cheap but tasty with quite a varied menu. Shame the waitress managed to pour half of Jan's tomoato juice down Jan's jeans!
Trevor didn't want to do the walk in the book but wanted to just stroll along the beach, we, on the other hand insisted that we had to do the walk to be able to tick it off in the book. So with Trev muttering we started off up the 'gentle' slope.

At the top the walk swung us inland, so another comflab and it was agreed we would walk back
towards the sea. Of course the decission was made easier when Jan and I spied the ice-cream van. And Trevor was even happier when, sated on our ice-lollies, we all had sticks to play a violent game of sticks (Trevor's summer version of 'conkers'). Of course Trevor won and we all ended up with broken and slintered lolly sticks.
And a day by the sea is not complete unless you do this:

Which invariably ends with this

And yes, it was Martin's fault as he shouted at me to look at him just as that large wave snuck up behind, and yes, I was very wet!
All in all a great day out!
Look forward to Saturday as we have managed to get Jan a bike and we are 'supposed' to be going on a bike ride. LOL