Sunday, August 20, 2006

Lazy Sunday

Not much choice with the back ache, feel like I'm hundred and eighty and moving like it too. I have had several offers of a walking stick - ha ha!!! I'd laugh but it hurts too much, so anyway it looks like a trip to see the quack tomorrow.

Other than that, finished another Ian Rankin book (I've read them all before but there's not much choice at my local sub-library), sent off for some job application forms (why is it they make job vacancies sound so alien? I'm sure I can do most of them but they word them all in this strange 'job speak'), tried to do some scrapping (but it hurt to much) and watched some of the athletics.

No more news from the entrepid Festival goers, I did text but either the phone has finally run out of power or the music is too loud or the tent drifted away in the floods. Stay posted.


Jen said...

OOh I'm so glad you've joined the ranks of bloggers. I'll have to add you to my faves. Hope DD is enjoying her muddy fun LOL As for the back, I don't trust doctors (LOL), osteopaths rule!

Lyzzydee said...

Hope you feel better soon. I will keep my fingers crossed for your job search, you will get something !!
