There is a bit of a debate about how to get people to read your blogs going on UKS.
It made me stop and think for a bit.
I didn't start my blog to get people to come read my twaddle. And I dont fool myself that my scrapping is so wonderful that I need to share and give others inspiration (it would be nice but I know its not gonna happen). I started it to record bits of my daily life for ME. It was an easier way for me to keep track of what had happen so I could match my photos up to dates and occasions. A way to help my failing memory in my dotage LOL Just a..diary I guess, for ME.
I am hopeless at diaries. Its all those blank days staring at me, and if I dare miss a day I cant face filling in the next one without the blank one looking up at me and demanding to know what I did on that day. Blogger doesnt mind though. If I miss a day, or a week or even a month it doesnt look at me accusingly, it just shrugs and says 'what have you been up to then?'
But then I added a visitor counter because others were doing the same, and then I joined Crafty Blogs and it all got a bit silly. It became a bit of a game to see how high I could get up the chart. And I started to get caught up in the 'blog hype'. You know the one - come and look at such and such on my blog - just to get the counter up.
I started to feel I couldnt post on here unless I had actually done a LO or could offer a digi freebie.
Pure madness.
I'm not going to take my counter off because I do like to look and see who has visited and where from. Its interesting and part of being in blogland
And I am not going to take my blog off the Crafty Blog site, because if nothing else its a link for me to find other crafty blogs and also you never know, one person my find my work interesting, or post suggestions to help me improve.
But I am going to stop competing for veiwers and go back to the basics of why I blog.