Monday, January 11, 2010

Sheer madness!!

So we have to consider here, who is the madessed?? The person in the hot tub during a freezing snowy white-out, or the person stood in the garden wearing only slippers and PJ's attempting to take the photo??

Martin had slept awkwardly and needed the soothing release of some aqu thearpy, I was slightly tempted when he said he was braving the snow to get in the hot tub, but sense came to my rescue. What we had both forgotten was that I had turned the temp on it down when the snow started, as we weren't using it and wanted to save a bit of electricity.

He was in it for over 20 minutes though, whereas I was only out there seconds taking the photos, so in retrospect I think Martin (who is now standing under a hot shower) wins in the madness stakes!!

1 comment:

Lyzzydee said...

Mad, both of you!!